BIRDEM Hospital Diabetes Doctor List 2023
BIRDEM is a Government owned hospital and has a mammoth recognition for its high-quality treatment and diagnosis facilities. The full form of the hospital name BIRDEM is Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. The hospital can facilitate 600 patients at once and is a multi-disciplinary hospital. The hospital is located in one of the most populated and centralized spaces in Dhaka. BIRDEM hospital is a landmark location in Shahbag and does not need a different address than its name around the Shahbag area.
The hospital has a specialized unit for the treatment of diabetes. You can acquire the list of diabetes specialists by calling their helpline or hotline or information desk number. The information desk is available from 7.30 am to 8.00 pm. You have to call the number +880241060501 to 24 for any information or doctor list. Emergency services at BIRDEM are +880241060479 to 80 with an extension of 2302. The hotline number is +880241060483.
Most renowned and acknowledged Bangladeshi medical professionals in the diabetic sector are associated with BIRDEM. So, it is a top priority for the higher-class citizens of Bangladesh as well. About three thousand patients are being treated in the OPD each day in this hospital. The hospital also has a full-fletched diagnostic facility along with all the other Government facilities. You can find a reasonable fee at the hospital as its prices are set by the Government of Bangladesh.
Health Concern (Diabetes)
Diabetes is a commonly occurring disease and has fatal outcomes if not taken care of immediately. In this disease, a hormone named insulin is reduced in production which takes care of the metabolism of sugar or carbohydrate. As a result, the carbohydrate or sugar level in the blood rises up and creates severe health problems. There are two types of diabetes. Type-1 diabetes is more serious and very few patients with this disease survive. Type-2 diabetes is more common and patients can survive if they take adequate care of their health.
The cause of diabetes is yet unknown. Sometimes it is believed that a genetic disorder or a linear genetic relationship might play a role.
Frequent urination is the first symptom along with severe thirst. The patient loses weight suddenly after being affected by the disease. Sometimes, the patient’s vision is blurred. The patient feels terribly weak and tired. Along with these, diabetic patients go through a severe problem which is losing the activities of platelets. As per the American heart association, about 80% of diabetes patients die from a failure of blood clotting.
Prevention of the disease is possible by having healthy food and enough physical exercise. The patients also have to try losing weight which might eventually release the deleterious effects of diabetes.
When affected properly, patients need a constant supply of insulin from outside. Nowadays patients also use a glucose monitor for constant observation of sugar levels. Type-1 diabetes patients need to transfer to+ emergency medical care immediately. Sometimes a pancreas transplant helps the patients to get proper relief.