Labaid Cardiac Hospital Dhanmondi Doctor List and Contact Phone Number
The name Labaid is a very popular name among the Bangladeshi people. Most of the people of the country know the name Labaid groups just because of the hospitals that are owned by the group. But Labaid Group is a dominant group in the field of medical care in Bangladesh. Labaid is the first private group to introduce the advanced medical care system with the Bangladeshi people.
Back on 15th July, 2004 the Labaid group started the process of making two private hospitals in Bangladesh. One is the Labaid Specialized Hospital and another is Labaid Cardiac Hospital. Labaid group has dealt with a lot of patients who were suffering from cardiovascular diseases and over the years Labaid has become the name where you can get the most advanced medical care for cardiovascular diseases.
Lab aid Cardiac Hospital Dhanmondi
The Labaid Cardiac Hospital is the first specialized hospital of Bangladesh for cardiovascular diseases which represents the international standard of medical science. The hospital is situated at Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Labaid Cardiac Hospital is housed in a six storied building where at a time 300 patients can be admitted. There is also an emergency unit in this hospital.
The hospital also has all kinds of modern intensive care units like ICU and others. The hospital also possesses all the modern medical machinery needed these days to maintain an international level hospital. The hospital has its own diagnostics center and high-tech laboratories so that the patients can do the tests easily and at a very affordable cost.
Labaid Hospital Cardiologist Doctor List
Labaid may be the first international standard hospital of the country but the cost of this hospital is very low compared to most of the hospitals. The low cost of this hospital has made it one of the popular hospitals in the entire country. But do not think that the Labaid Cardiac Hospital cannot provide international level medical care just because of the low cost.
The Hospital has all the necessary things needed for an international level hospital. Labaid has also updated the hospitals with the passage of time. The doctors, surgeons and all the other medical staff of the hospital are also very much experienced and have proper training in case of medical treatment. Only the modern medical machinery cannot make a hospital great. To become a successful hospital a hospital needs a combination of all the things mentioned above.
Labaid Cardiac Hospital Dhanmondi Doctor List
As the days are passing by, the number of patients related to cardiovascular diseases are increasing on a great scale. In this case the demand of the hospitals which can offer good medical assistance in case of cardiovascular diseases are also increasing. In the past most of the people who had enough money used to travel abroad to treat cardiovascular diseases.
The Labaid Cardiac Hospital was established with a view to serve the medical needs of the Bangladeshi people and the hospital has succeeded in preventing the patients from going abroad by providing an international standard medical care system in the soil of Bangladesh. Traveling a foreign country just to seek treatment is a mammoth task and most of the people of Bangladesh cannot afford the treatment of overseas countries. So, the Labaid Cardiac Hospital has helped a lot of patients to save a lot of time and money.
Labaid Hospital Dhanmondi Contact Phone Number
The doctors of the Labaid Cardiac Hospital have a distinguished career if we see the statistics of their career. These doctors have passed from well-known medical colleges and universities of the country and have vast experience. The doctors have also acquired higher medical degrees from foreign countries.
Labaid Cardiac Hospital has uploaded all the essential data of the doctors in the website of the hospital. So, if a patient wants to know about the doctors and their schedule then the patient should visit the website of the hospital. There all kinds of information is provided. The patients can also get an appointment via the website.
There is also a helpline or emergency contact number of the hospital. These kinds of hotline numbers help the hospital to connect with the patients more easily. The contact number of the hospital is: 09666-710606.